<![CDATA[ Caesar- and chévre salad from Foam God morgon! Här är lite bilder från vår lunch igår. Barnen hade ätit innan så Madde köpte mat till oss två. Jag åt en gratinerad chévre med fikon och sallad och Madde åt deras caesar. Riktigt gott. Älskar deras bröd också. Livia satt med oss och åt lite bröd så länge, sötnosen. Några av er har undrat varför hon aldrig har kläder på sig på bilderna (speciellt på Instagram storys) och det är faktiskt så att hon vägrar. Jag försöker klä på henne en liten klänning eller bara en tröja när vi är hemma men nej, hon vill inte. Om vi har varit ute och hon haft kläder på sig så kan det funka att hon har på dom hemma efter men oftast inte. Hon har inte blöja på sig när vi är hemma, hon kissar på pottan, så hon tycker alltid att kläderna är i vägen. Jag tror att det är därför hon vill vara utan. Vi har provat med trosor men då råkar hon alltid kissa en droppe innan hon springer till pottan och det gillar hon inte. Hon tycker om att vara naken helt enkelt, hehe. Vi får se hur länge det håller i sig... //Good morning! Here are some pictures from our lunch yesterday. The kids ate before so Madde bought food for us two. I had a gratinated chévre with figs and salad and Madde had their caesar. So tasty. I also love their bread. Livia sat with us eating bread while we had lunch, cutie. Some of you have wondered why she never wears any clothes in the pictures (especially the storys on Instagram) and it´s actually because she refuses to wear any. I always try to put on a dress or a shirt when we are at home but no, she doesn´t want to. If we have been outside and she´s been wearing clothes she often wears them when we get home too, but not always. She doesn´t wear a diaper when we´re at home, she pees on the potty, so she always thinks that the clothes are in the way. I think that´s why she doesn´t want to wear any. We have tried with panties but then she always happens to pee one drop before she runs to the potty and she doesn´t like that. She just simply likes to be naked, hehe. We will have to see how long that will last... //Good morning! Here are some pictures from our lunch yesterday. The kids ate before so Madde bought food for us two. I had a gratinated chévre with figs and salad and Madde had their caesar. So tasty. I also love their bread. Livia sat with us eating bread while we had lunch, cutie. Some of you have wondered why she never wears any clothes in the pictures (especially the storys on Instagram) and it´s actually because she refuses to wear any. I always try to put on a dress or a shirt when we are at home but no, she doesn´t want to. If we have been outside and she´s been wearing clothes she often wears them when we get home too, but not always. She doesn´t wear a diaper when we´re at home, she pees on the potty, so she always thinks that the clothes are in the way. I think that´s why she doesn´t want to wear any. We have tried with panties but then she always happens to pee one drop before she runs to the potty and she doesn´t like that. She just simply likes to be naked, hehe. We will have to see how long that will last... Buns from Riddarbageriet Hur som helst! Efter lunchen blev det fika som Madde hade köpt med. Livia åt båda små bullarna själv, hehe. Hon är en riktig gottegris alltså. Madde stannade till eftermiddagen och sen var det bara jag och barnen. Vi byggde slott och sen lekte vi med exakt ALLA leksaker dom har. Dom älskar att hälla ut allt på golvet och bara leka loss. Mindre kul tycker jag men allt för barnen, eller hur? Hehe. Dagens planer är lunch med Solmaz. Jag försöker hitta på så mycket jag kan dessa dagar när inte Jens är hemma, behöver få in lite vuxenkonversationer någon gång per dag i alla fall och då är ju lunch perfekt, hehe. Ha en underbar dag så hörs vi senare, PUSS och KRAM <3 //Anyhow! After the lunch we had some sweets that Madde brought with her. Livia had both of the small buns herself, hehe. She is really a sweet tooth. Madde stayed until the afternoon and then it was just me and the kids. We built a castle and then played with ALL of the kids toys. They love to pour out everything on the floor and just go crazy. Not so much fun on my opinion but you do everything for the kids, right? Hehe. Todays plans is to have lunch with Solmaz. I try to do as much as I can now when Jens not at home, I need to get some adult conversations at least once a day and then lunch is perfect, hehe. Have a wonderful day, talk later, XOXO <3 ]]>